“I have more confidence now as an artist than I have ever had in my career thanks to the coaching Christopher has given me. He has changed my artistic life.”
Rehearsal time is at a premium in the theatre.
It is almost non-existent on a tv or film set.
That’s a shame for many reasons, but the major loss is the joy of that early part of the work.
The joy and the power we gain from having developed a strong and flexible base from which to work when the curtain finally goes up or the cameras roll.
Preparing a role for performance is just like preparing a role for an audition. It’s still all about the story. The process is very much the same, only deeper and wider.
It can be one session—in-person or on-line—laying out a map of inquiry that the actor can pursue on their own, or it can be a series of sessions allowing that investigation to happen collaboratively.
Featured Client
Terri McMahon
Terri as Sarah Bernhardt in Bernhardt/Hamlet at The Goodman Theatre
“I have acted in the theater for decades.
These last three years working with Christopher have been my favorite auditions, my favorite outings on stage grounded by the profound and obvious questions he smartly asks of me and the text, and my favorite talks about what it means to be a theater artist and in this profession.
Christopher works my chops, deepens my audition pieces and strengthens what I bring to rehearsal and performance. He works on levels I haven't considered staging my self-tapes and triggering moments that honor the language and my instincts.
I have more confidence now as an artist than I have ever had in my career thanks to the coaching Christopher has given me.
He has changed my artistic life.”
Featured Client
Mimi as Amanda in The Glass Menagerie
“I’ve worked with Christopher preparing several roles. These are a few of many reasons why he excels as a coach:
Working on-line, there is no sense of detachment or ‘electronic awkwardness.’ Christopher is fully present and completely at ease in this medium, and I quickly became so as well.
Christopher engages in dialogue, rather than lecture. I never feel intimidated by his extraordinary knowledge of script and character. Insights are guided by conversation and discovery. Though he is easily confident as captain, the journey is still a shared adventure.
Through my work with Christopher I have learned how to work more effectively on my own. I have more confidence in my own insights and choices. I no longer feel I can’t take the first step without my acting coach. This is a rare gift in any teacher, especially one in the theater.”
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